The Tia and Tommy Show is a podcast and website created specifically for kids. The show is produced by Tia and Tommy, a real life brother and sister in collaboration with their dad, a real life media producer.
The goal of the show and the site is to both educate and entertain from a kid’s point of view and is aimed at ages from elementary to middle school years.
Most of the actual content of the show is produced, written and performed by Tia and Tommy themselves. Although the show has a standard structure, the kids have a lot of latitude in the creative flow of each episode and deliver the content in their own way.
The show features an open dialog segment which sets the theme for each episode, a Word of the Week which is often chosen and researched by Tia, some facts about an animal chosen and researched by one or both kids, original jokes by Tommy, one or more recommendations of favorite books chosen by Tia or Tommy (and sometimes both), and a selection of original essays, poems or stories created by Tia and Tommy themselves.
While the show is intended to entertain kids on a personal level, it can also be used by teachers as an aid in the classroom. Parents can also use the show to introduce their kids to audio podcasts with family friendly content.
In addition to the show, Tia and Tommy produce much of the content on their web site. They each have their own blog and created all the artwork used in their puzzle gallery.
The web site is intended to enhance the show experience and add another layer to the content introduced in each episode. It also provides a safe place for kids to go on the Internet with a positive, interactive environment. Here kids can play fun and educational games, read the blogs, and communicate directly with the hosts.
To describe the podcast in Tia’s own words, “In the Tia and Tommy show, kids (and the parents, teachers, bus drivers, relatives, etc.) can learn about wild life, improve their vocabulary, listen to stories, have fun with Tommy’s jokes, listen to great book reports, and most of all, learning and having fun! It’s fun and educational!”.
The Tia and Tommy Show is produced and maintained by Savoia Computer.